Chris's camera pages
Voss Diax Standard viewfinder camera
This is a simple viewfinder camera with an interchangeable Westar f/3.5 50mm lens.The body is most similar to the Diax Ia, which was made at around the same time, but the Standard lacks the multiple finders of the Ia, and has a top cover similar to the Diaxette.This camera can use the same lenses as Diax Ia and IIa, but it should be noted that the Westar lens lacks any rangefinder cam, so will not couple with the rangefinder on a Diax IIa.
In most of the world, the Diax Standard is a very hard model to find. It was apparently made to a special order, and was only sold in Australia and possibly New Zealand, and so is very scarce outside those countries.Production numbers are uncertain, with estimates ranging from as low as one hundred and twenty through to over two hundred. I have only handled two myself, one some years ago for an Australian customer, and this one, which I purchased at a local sale.I did recently see another one on a local auction site, but it had been spotted by other collectors, and so went for a far higher price than I would have been comfortable with paying. After all, I don't really need two!
With the camera, I got this Diax Kamera Werk Reprox 12 copy stand. It is of simple construction and was intended for photographing small, and probably flat, items like postage stamps.
Information is hard to find on this camera, but I have gathered a few links with information on the Diax Standard