Chris's camera pages
How to open a Xenon lens from a Retina IIc, IIC, IIIc, or IIIC camera
Opening the front group
First take the front component off the camera.
Now remove the bayonet clip, just three screws hold it in place.
Flip the lens back over and you can see, if you look closely, the front of the filter mounting thread is inside the actual body of the lens.
Now back to the rear of the lens body, this single screw is all that stops the inner part of the front with the filter thread from unscrewing. Back it off a couple of turns.

In the bottom of the three larger screwholes you can see what looks like teeth. This is what the screw you just removed locks into.
Use a friction tool to unscrew the inner part of the filter thread with name ring attached.
And here it is in pieces.
If a friction tool just doesn't seem to get the front loose you may be able to use a very thin screwdriver, or a strong needle, to unscrew the chrome ring enough to get you started through the three larger holes.
Opening the rear group
Unscrew that tiny screw on the side of the lens.
Remove it completely, but be careful not to drop it, it is really tiny.
Use a sheet of rubber or similar to help you get a firm grip on the threaded portion.
Unscrew the outer shell with your fingers.Just as with the front group, two components are cemented together.